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                首页 日蚀晶振

                E1SAA12-30.000M TR,Ecliptek石英晶体谐☉振器,椭◎圆形晶振

                E1SAA12-30.000M TR,Ecliptek石英晶体谐振∩器,椭圆形晶振E1SAA12-30.000M TR,Ecliptek石英晶体谐振器,椭圆形晶振


                E1SAA12-30.000M TR,Ecliptek石英晶体谐振器,椭圆形晶振,美国进口晶振,Ecliptek晶振,日蚀晶振,型号:E1S系列石英晶体,编码为:E1SAA12-30.000M TR,频率:30MHz,负载电容:12pF,工作温度范围:0℃至+70℃,频率稳定性:±100ppm,频率容差:±50ppm,小体积晶振尺※寸:13.3x4.85x3.2mm封装,两脚贴片晶振,无源晶振,石英晶振,石英晶体谐振器,椭圆形晶振,无铅晶振。应用于:移动通讯◣晶振,车载电子☆晶振,蓝牙晶振,物联网々晶振,医疗设备∞晶振,智能家居①等应用。



                E1SAA12-30.000M TR,Ecliptek石英晶体谐振器,椭圆形晶振,美国进口晶振,Ecliptek晶振,日蚀晶振,型号:E1S系列石英晶体,编码为:E1SAA12-30.000M TR,频率:30MHz,负载电容:12pF,工作温度范围:0℃至+70℃,频率稳定性:±100ppm,频率容差:±50ppm,小体积晶振尺寸:13.3x4.85x3.2mm封装,两脚贴片晶振,无源晶振,石英晶振,石英晶体谐振器,椭圆形晶振,无铅晶振。应用于:移动通讯晶【振,车载电子晶振,蓝牙晶振,物联网晶振,医疗设」备晶振,智能家居等应用。


                E1SAA12-30.000M TR,Ecliptek石英晶体谐振器,椭圆形晶振,参数表

                Nominal Frequency 30 MHz
                Frequency Tolerance/Stability ±50ppm at 25°C, ±100ppm over 0°C to +70°C
                ±50ppm at 25°C, ±100ppm over -20°C to +70°C
                ±50ppm at 25°C, ±100ppm over -40°C to +85°C
                ±30ppm at 25°C, ±50ppm over 0°C to +70°C
                ±30ppm at 25°C, ±50ppm over -20°C to +70°C
                ±30ppm at 25°C, ±50ppm over -40°C to +85°C
                ±15ppm at 25°C, ±30ppm over 0°C to +70°C
                ±15ppm at 25°C, ±30ppm over -20°C to +70°C
                ±15ppm at 25°C, ±30ppm over -40°C to +85°C
                ±15ppm at 25°C, ±20ppm over 0°C to +70°C
                ±15ppm at 25°C, ±20ppm over -20°C to +70°C
                ±15ppm at 25°C, ±20ppm over -40°C to +85°C
                ±10ppm at 25°C, ±15ppm over 0°C to +70°C
                ±10ppm at 25°C, ±15ppm over -20°C to +70°C
                ±10ppm at 25°C, ±15ppm over -40°C to +85°C
                ±15ppm at 25°C, ±30ppm over -40°C to +105°C
                ±30ppm at 25°C, ±50ppm over -40°C to +105°C
                ±50ppm at 25°C, ±100ppm over -40°C to +105°C
                ±30ppm at 25°C, ±50ppm over -40°C to +125°C
                ±50ppm at 25°C, ±100ppm over -40°C to +125°C
                ±30ppm at 25°C, ±50ppm over -55°C to +125°C
                ±50ppm at 25°C, ±100ppm over -55°C to +125°C
                Aging at 25°C ±5ppm/year Maximum
                Load Capacitance Series Resonant, 10pF Parallel Resonant to 50pF Parallel Resonant
                Shunt Capacitance 7pF Maximum
                Equivalent Series Resistance See the Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR), Mode of Operation, and Crystal Cut Table Below
                Mode of Operation AT-Cut Fundamental (Only available over Nominal Frequency range of 3.579545MHz to 30MHz)
                AT-Cut Third Overtone (Only available over Nominal Frequency range of 24.576MHz to 50MHz)
                BT-Cut Fundamental (Only available with Frequency Tolerance/Stability of ±50ppm at 25°C, ±100ppm over 0°C to+70°C; Only available over Nominal Frequency range of 24MHz to 40MHz)
                Drive Level 1mWatt Maximum
                Storage Temperature Range -55°C to +125°C
                Insulation Resistance 500 Megaohms Minimum (Measured at 100Vdc)

                E1SAA12-30.000M TR,Ecliptek石英晶体谐振器,椭圆形晶振,尺寸图

                E1SAA12-24.000M 49SMD



                产品编码 晶振厂家 型号 频率 负载电容
                E1SAA12-24.000M Ecliptek晶振 E1S 24 MHz 12 pF
                E1SAA12-24.000M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 24 MHz 12 pF
                E1SAA12-30.000M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 30 MHz 12 pF
                E1SAA18-12.000M Ecliptek晶振 E1S 12 MHz 18 pF
                E1SAA18-16.000M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 16 MHz 18 pF
                E1SAA18-24.000M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 24 MHz 18 pF
                E1SAA18-25.000M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 25 MHz 18 pF
                E1SAA20-5.000M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 5 MHz 20 pF
                E1SBA18-16.000M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 16 MHz 18 pF
                E1SBA18-25.000M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 25 MHz 18 pF
                E1SBA18-27.000M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 27 MHz 18 pF
                E1SBA18-3.6864M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 3.6864 MHz 18 pF
                E1SBA18-7.3728M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 7.3728 MHz 18 pF
                E1SBA18-8.000M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 8 MHz 18 pF
                E1SBA20-12.000M Ecliptek晶振 E1S 12 MHz 20 pF
                E1SBA20-12.000M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 12 MHz 20 pF
                E1SCA12-24.000M Ecliptek晶振 E1S 24 MHz 12 pF
                E1SCA12-3.6864M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 3.6864 MHz 12 pF
                E1SCA18-14.7456M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 14.7456 MHz 18 pF
                E1SCA18-20.000M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 20 MHz 18 pF
                E1SCA18-3.6864M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 3.6864 MHz 18 pF
                E1SCA18-4.000M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 4 MHz 18 pF
                E1SCA18-7.3728M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 7.3728 MHz 18 pF
                E1SCA18-8.000M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 8 MHz 18 pF
                E1SCA32-12.000M Ecliptek晶振 E1S 12 MHz 32 pF
                E1SDA12-25.000M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 25 MHz 12 pF
                E1SDA18-24.576M Ecliptek晶振 E1S 24.576 MHz 18 pF
                E1SDA18-25.000M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 25 MHz 18 pF
                E1SEA18-12.000M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 12 MHz 18 pF
                E1SEA18-25.000M Ecliptek晶振 E1S 25 MHz 18 pF
                E1SEA18-28.6363M TR Ecliptek晶振 E1S 28.6363 MHz 18 pF
                E1SEA18-3.6864M Ecliptek晶振 E1S 3.6864 MHz 18 pF