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                首页 欧美晶振行业新闻

                Cardinal Oscillator Crystal解决方案

                2023-09-01 11:09:52 

                Cardinal Oscillator Crystal解决方案,美国〖知名元器件供应商Cardinal公司,主要向世界各地提供低功耗低成本的石英晶振产品为主,随着自身的技术增长,Cardinal公司开始追寻自身伟大的目标Ψ ,致力于为用户提供具有核心竞争力的产品,以及提供优质的产品为主要目标,同时在选择上面拥有超级灵活性和多元化,使得用户可以随时在Cardinal公司找到自身理想⊙的产品,以及满意的解决方案,也因此更多用户选择与之建立良好的合①作关系。



                “答石英晶体最适合开发人员想要构建自己的电子振荡器,允许他们调整或优化所有相关参数的时候。这当然需要一定的努力:电子振荡器必须构建■并适应谐振器,以确保在整个工作温度范围内的振荡稳定性和凝聚力,”产品经理解释道。例如,电路ω元件包括电容器,必须选择电容器,以便实现石英晶体的特定负载能力。如果不是这种情况,可能会□ 出现与额定频率相当大的偏差。因此,必须事先明确定义石英晶体的规格,以避免频率偏差。




                当使用振荡器内部安装电路的所有元件已经完全匹配。与带电路的石☆英晶体相比,振荡器通常占用更少的空间。振荡器总是包含一个频率控制元件,在我∑ 们的例子中是一个石英晶体。这是插入到皮尔斯电路,导致石英晶体振荡♂器Cardinal Oscillator Crystal解决方案.




                振荡器的另一个优点是,当使用石英晶体时,面积与厚度之比不能低于某个值。如果不ぷ保持这个比例,它将对电参╳数产生负面影响。这意味着低频(10MHz以下)不再能在更小的设计中处理。这一限制不适用于振荡器√,因为振荡器内部有一个IC。这同样适用于频率更高的电路,石英晶体也能更快地达到其物理极限。由于内置IC,还可以通过温度⌒ 进行补偿(TCXOs)。这允许开发者有更多的操作空间,以满足相应应用程序及其外部影响的要求。这种偏差还允许±0.05ppm的频率稳定性。最好的情▽况下,石英晶体∞的含量低于百万分之+-10。Cardinal Oscillator Crystal解决方案.

                原厂代码 晶振厂家 描述n 系列 Type 类型 Frequency 频率 Output 输出 Frequency Stability频率稳定度
                CPPC5L-A7BR-66.0PD Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 66.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 66MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC5L-A7BR-66.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 66.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 66MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC5Z-A7BR-4.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 4.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 4MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC5L-A7BR-69.102PD Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 69.102MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 69.102MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC5L-BR-125.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 125.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 125MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC5LT-A7BR-48.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 48.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 48MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC5-A5BP-125.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 125.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 125MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC5LZ-A7BP-100.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 100.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 100MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC5-A7BP-108.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 108.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 108MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC5LZ-A7BP-14.318PD Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 14.318MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 14.318MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC5L-A5BR-108.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 108.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 108MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC7-A5BD-40.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 40.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 40MHz CMOS ±60ppm
                CPPC7-A5BP-32.106TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 32.106MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 32.106MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7-A5BP-5.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 5.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 5MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7-A5BR-27.0PD Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 27.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 27MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC7-A7B6-11.0592TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 11.0592MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 11.0592MHz CMOS ±100ppm
                CPPC7-A7B6-14.7456TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 14.7456MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 14.7456MHz CMOS ±100ppm
                CPPC7-A7B6-2.176TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 2.176MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 2.176MHz CMOS ±100ppm
                CPPC5-A7BP-110.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 110.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 110MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7-A7B6-20.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 20.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 20MHz CMOS ±100ppm
                CPPC7-A7B6-32.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 32.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 32MHz CMOS ±100ppm
                CPPC7-A7B6-40.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 40.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 40MHz CMOS ±100ppm
                CPPC7-A7BP-1.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 1.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 1MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7-A7BP-10.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 10.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 10MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC5LZ-A7BP-50.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 50.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 50MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7-A7BP-11.0592TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 11.0592MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 11.0592MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7-A7BP-14.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 14.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 14MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7-A7BP-14.7456TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 14.7456MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 14.7456MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7-A7BP-149.86TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 149.86MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 149.86MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7-A7BP-2.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 2.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 2MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC5LZ-A7BP-88.888PD Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 88.888MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 88.888MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7-A7BP-20.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 20.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 20MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC5L-A7BR-25.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 25.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 25MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC5LZ-A7BR-20.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 20.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 20MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC5L-A7BR-58.9824PD Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 58.9824MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 58.9824MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC5L-A7BR-62.208PD Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 62.208MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 62.208MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC5Z-A7BR-20.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 20.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 20MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC5L-A7BR-69.12PD Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 69.12MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 69.12MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC5L-A7BR-77.76PD Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 77.76MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 77.76MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC5L-B6-97.030887TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 97.030887MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 97.030887MHz CMOS ±100ppm
                CPPC5LZ-A5BP-41.6665TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 41.6665MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 41.6665MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC5L-A7B6-20.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 20.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 20MHz CMOS ±100ppm
                CPPC7L-BR-26.0PD Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 26.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 26MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC7LZ-A7BR-24.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 24.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 24MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC7LZ-A7BP-10.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 10.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 10MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7L-BR-30.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 30.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 30MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC7LZ-A7BR-83.333TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 83.333MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 83.333MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC7Z-A7B6-20.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 20.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 20MHz CMOS ±100ppm
                CPPC7LZ-A7BR-27.002TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 27.002MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 27.002MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC7LZ-A7BR-27.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 27.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 27MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC7LZ-A7BP-22.4TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 22.40MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 22.4MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7LT-A7BP-1.8432TS Cardinal晶振 OSC XO 1.8432MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 1.8432MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7LZ-A7BP-24.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 24.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 24MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7Z-A7B6-6.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 6.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 6MHz CMOS ±100ppm
                CPPC7LZ-A7BR-29.4912TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 29.4912MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 29.4912MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC7LZ-BP-11.3541TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 11.3541MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 11.3541MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7LT-A7BP-14.7456TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 14.7456MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 14.7456MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7L-BP-133.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 133.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 133MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7LZ-A5BP-32.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 32.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 32MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7L-BP-25.0PD Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 25.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 25MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7LZ-A7BR-33.3TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 33.3MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 33.3MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC7LZ-BR-66.6666TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 66.6666MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 66.6666MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC7LZ-A5BR-34.56TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 34.56MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 34.56MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC7L-BP-4.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 4.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 4MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7LT-A7BP-5.0TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 5.000MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 5MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                CPPC7LZ-A5BR-7.3728TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 7.3728MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 7.3728MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC7LZ-A7BR-4.096TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 4.096MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 4.096MHz CMOS ±25ppm
                CPPC7L-BP-4.194304TS Cardinal Components Inc. OSC XO 4.194304MHZ CMOS SMD FIPO™ CPP XO (Standard) 4.194304MHz CMOS ±50ppm
                In developing an electronic assembly, one of the steps involved includes choosing the appropriate frequency control product. The basic question at the outset is whether to install a quartz crystal or an oscillator. To reach the right decision, several parameters need to be considered. These include the many different requirements of the application, the device, or the industry. In addition to space requirements, frequency stability, and expertise, development costs also play a notable role.

                Quartz crystal or oscillator? That is the question! In the following, we’ll take a closer look at situations when one component or the other is the better choice:

                When a quartz crystal is the way to go

                “Aquartz crystalis best suited when the developer wants to build their own electronic oscillator, allowing them to tune or optimize all the relevant parameters. This of course requires a certain amount of effort: The electronic oscillator has to be built and adapted to the resonator in order to ensure oscillation stability as well as cohesion over the entire operating temperature range,” explains Product Manager. Circuit components include, for example, capacitors, which must be selected so that the quartz crystal’s specific load capacity is achieved. If this is not the case, considerable deviations from the specified nominal frequency may occur. The specifications for the quartz crystal must therefore be clearly defined in advance to avoid frequency deviations.

                However, since quartz crystals are less expensive than crystal oscillators, they are a better choice for larger quantities. In addition, there must be sufficient space on the circuit board: A piezoelectric crystal with circuitry requires more space than a crystal oscillator.

                The perfectly coordinated complete solution: The crystal oscillator

                When using anoscillator, all components of the internally installed circuitry are already perfectly matched. In contrast to a quartz crystal with circuit, the oscillator usually takes up less space. An oscillator always contains a frequency control component—in our case, an quartz crystal. This is inserted into the Pierce circuit, which causes the quartz crystal to oscillate.

                Pierce circuit

                The oscillator is therefore the most space-saving alternative: Everything is compact and built into one component, and the developer does not have to design a circuit around the piezoelectric crystal. The component is particularly suitable for low volumes because it eliminates the need for time-consuming optimization and tuning of circuit components.

                Another advantage of the oscillator is that when using a quartz crystal, the ratio of area to thickness must not fall below a certain value. If this ratio is not maintained, it will have a negative effect on the electrical parameters. This means that low frequencies (below 10 MHz) can no longer be handled in smaller designs. This limitation does not apply to oscillators because they have an IC inside. The same applies to circuits with higher frequencies—here, too, quartz crystals reach their physical limits more quickly. Due to the internal IC, compensations via temperature are also possible (TCXOs). This allows the developer more room to maneuver in order to meet the requirements of the respective application and its external influences. This leeway also allows a frequency stability of +-0.05 parts per million. At best, quartz crystals are specified with just under +-10 parts per million.