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                首页 行业资讯


                2022-10-19 13:40:58 


                ABM8G-20.000MHZ-B4Y-T 17高性价比的石英晶体谐振器超级适合用于儿童手表ABM10-20.000MHZ-E20-T,例如,68uH电感在25°C时的DCR≈210mΩ。增加60%的直流电阻,在180°C下计算々大约为336mΩ。作为比较,47uH电感在25°C时的DCR≈145mΩ,而在高温①时的DCR≈232mΩ。


                Manufacturer Part Number 原厂编码 Manufacturer厂家 Series型号 Type 系列 Frequency频率 Package / Case包装/封装
                ABM3C-24.576MHZ-D4Y-T Abracon晶振 ABM3C MHz Crystal 24.576MHz 4-SMD, No Lead
                ABM3C-14.31818MHZ-D4Y-T Abracon晶振 ABM3C MHz Crystal 14.31818MHz 4-SMD, No Lead
                ABS06L-32.768KHZ-T Abracon晶振 ABS06L kHz Crystal (Tuning Fork) 32.768kHz 2-SMD, No Lead
                ABMM-11.0592MHZ-B2-T Abracon晶振 ABMM MHz Crystal 11.0592MHz 4-SMD, No Lead
                ABM8G-14.31818MHZ-B4Y-T Abracon晶振 ABM8G MHz Crystal 14.31818MHz 4-SMD, No Lead
                ABM8G-13.000MHZ-B4Y-T Abracon晶振 ABM8G MHz Crystal 13MHz 4-SMD, No Lead
                ABM8G-30.000MHZ-B4Y-T Abracon晶振 ABM8G MHz Crystal 30MHz 4-SMD, No Lead
                ABM8G-33.000MHZ-B4Y-T Abracon晶振 ABM8G MHz Crystal 33MHz 4-SMD, No Lead
                ABM8G-20.000MHZ-B4Y-T Abracon晶振 ABM8G MHz Crystal 20MHz 4-SMD, No Lead
                ABS07-LR-32.768KHZ-6-T Abracon晶振 ABS07-LR kHz Crystal (Tuning Fork) 32.768kHz 2-SMD, No Lead
                ABM10-27.000MHZ-E20-T Abracon晶振 ABM10 MHz Crystal 27MHz 4-SMD, No Lead
                ABM10-20.000MHZ-E20-T Abracon晶振 ABM10 3225贴片晶振
                20MHz 4-SMD, No Lead
                ABLS-LR-4.9152MHZ-T Abracon晶振 ABLS-LR MHz Crystal 4.9152MHz HC49/US
                ABM10-25.000MHZ-E20-T Abracon晶振 ABM10 MHz Crystal 25MHz 4-SMD, No Lead
                The inductor’s DC resistance is affected by the ambient temperature and inherent self-heating of the inductor body. Fig.2 below illustrates the change in DCR of the AMXLA-Q1040 series as body/case temperature increases as ambient temperature increases. The graph shows that the DCR of larger inductance values are influenced more by temperature than smaller inductance values. However, as a percentage change in DCR, the temperature change from 25°C to the maximum 180°C will cause approximately a 60% linear increase in DCR regardless of the inductance value.

                For example, the 68uH inductor has a DCR ≈ 210m? at 25°C. Adding 60% more DC resistance calculates to approximately 336m? at 180°C. For comparison, the 47uH inductor has a DCR ≈ 145m? at 25°C and a high temp DCR ≈ 232m?.
                The increase in DCR negatively affects the inductor’s performance by increasing DC loss. With the additional loss, more self-heating is generated and is the primary reason for derating inductors in extended temperature applications.